• Instructions and procedure for on-line application form :

    1. This is an electronic Application Form. Please read the following instructions and procedures carefully before you start filling the form.

    2. In order to use this application form you must use Google Chrome, Mozilla Browsers. (Please use the upgrade versions of Google Chrome/Mozilla for better view.)

    3. The Application form has to be filled in and submitted online. After submission of form online then the form number will display, after that please take the print of the form instantly.

    4. In case you have missed the print option or not able to print the form, kindly click on Admission and go to Re-Open Application From.

    5. At the time of online submission mobile number cannot be changed further and it will be used only once for one form.

    6. You can use the same mobile number in all sections like in DETAILS OF THE WARD and DETAILS OF THE FATHER. But please keep the mobile number and form number in mind for future reference.

    7. At the time of online form filling please check twice before you submit the form online. Once you submit the form online then there is no chance to add, edit and update options.

    8.  Information Details  regarding admission form, please visit to the notice board of school website.

    Thank You!